The Alchemy of the Queen Bee


Image Source: Autumn Skye Morrison

In Her black and gold silken dress She appears

in all Her majesty…royalty…

Her skin translucent

with golden rays shining through…

She is pure sovereignty… Beauty…Glory…Ecstasy…

She is pure Love…

Her eyes are piercing…

nothing escapes Her awareness…

She is in pure ecstatic trance and while She speaks golden honey is flowing through everything all around me.

Even though She doesn’t seem to move at all an ecstatic trance dance moves through Her being, through Her body….

She is the Master Dakini…

She is the Master Alchemist…

Born through Metamorphosis…

She is pure Love that pierces your heart and leaves you with no defense at all.

She is determined.

She is single-focused.

She is strength.

She is available, accessible, vulnerable…

She is soft, She is gentle

yet firmly anchored in Her power…

We embrace each other in the ecstasy you only experience

when beings of different species experience

when they share their divine essence with each other…

which makes them equal like nothing can ever be more equal…

We look into each other’s eyes,

sharing in silence…


The incomprehensible Love,

the ecstasy of recognizing oneself in the other

regardless of form, shape, species 

beyond words…

“What looks like aggression is passion” She says…

“What looks like determination is devotion.”

“We create honey through the ecstasy that moves through our bodies.

We use all of us, all of our being, all of our physical form, our consciousness in the honey making…

Beauty transforming from form into form…into form…

Golden liquid nectar of Alchemy…

Turning into Gold

In Ecstasy…



Defying linear time…


Like Gold.”

“What appears to be busy to the human eye”, She says

“is an ecstatic trance dance to us.”

“In total surrender to the Shakti force that moves us,

that moves through us.

Not a bit concerned about the doing part…

nor do we control anything…

The grand orchestra of life is playing

and we are dancing to it wholeheartedly. 

We are giving all we are


dying and living in the ecstatic trance…dance…

While honey drizzles through our bodies in ecstatic orgasmic waves…

Single-focused, determined, busy, stubborn…

Appears to be.

All the while in an uncontrollable trance…dance…that dances us.

Embodying true sovereignty since we are free…




We are un-containable…


radical surrender!

Pure ecstasy we are…


Mother Queen BEe…

We hold space for life to dance with us, through us, in us, around us…

Life contains us…

We contain Life.

Looks like we are working ourselves to death with no rest,

no pleasure, no leisure?

We have no agenda other than to die in our ecstatic trance…dance…

that dances us.

We live, we die, no matter what

we are filled with pure delight that is beyond this world.

We are the dance…trance..

We are pure ecstasy…

We are royalty, the Mother Queen BEe..

We hold space for life to dance with us, through us, in us, around us. 

We embrace Life and we are in the grand embrace of Life. 

Come dance with us!

We are delighted by your openness, 

and we are delighted to share our life stream

our dream with you…

We welcome you in our world, 

We invite you to add your essence to ours, to our dance… trance… ecstasy is our boundless expanse.”

Posted on April 2, 2015, in 16th Day after Dark Moon, All Phases of the Moon, The Alchemical Goddess, The Primal Goddess and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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