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~ Love ~




Alight, the softest presence

The gentle yet powerful flame of Love

that burns everything that is seemingly not Love.

No agenda

No thought

No identity

No self

All merging into ONE singular flame

that burns just for its own sake

Kindling everything around it.


In its humble way, not expecting anything

Not wanting anything

Not doing anything

Simply burning for itself, in itself

Lighting up all circuits in the grids…

Silent yet the most beautiful music,

Invisible to the eye

Yet sparkling in the softest pink hues and diamond light,

Embracing, allowing, giving permission to all things

to be what they are.


Like a forest fire on a dry hot summer day

It expands

Nothing can contain it.

Love’s presence penetrates the hardest structures

Softening them

Yet never asking them to change

This is the power of Love.


For self, for Self, for the apparent other, for the Divine

It is all One Love.

Not directed towards anything

Yet embracing everything

It permeates and moves in circular waves,

In all directions,

Causing infinite ripples

Like a stone thrown into a calm lake.

That’s how Love moves.

Ever expanding, ever emanating from its core

Feeding itself, of itself and yet nurturing ALL,

Infinite sustenance

That is the divine manna of Radiant Love.


Ending, starting, dying, being born,

Laughing, crying…

It lives

Creating all the dreams ever dreamt,

That is the story of Love.

People searching, fighting, giving or taking,

Dying or living

All for Love.

All stories are stories of Love.


Copyright © 2017, Areolia Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you!


The Alchemy of the Queen Bee

13 Moon Alchemy


Image Source: Autumn Skye Morrison

In Her black and gold silken dress She appears

in all Her majesty…royalty…

Her skin translucent

with golden rays shining through…

She is pure sovereignty… Beauty…Glory…Ecstasy…

She is pure Love…

Her eyes are piercing…

nothing escapes Her awareness…

She is in pure ecstatic trance and while She speaks golden honey is flowing through everything all around me.

Even though She doesn’t seem to move at all an ecstatic trance dance moves through Her being, through Her body….

She is the Master Dakini…

She is the Master Alchemist…

Born through Metamorphosis…

She is pure Love that pierces your heart and leaves you with no defense at all.

She is determined.

She is single-focused.

She is strength.

She is available, accessible, vulnerable…

She is soft, She is gentle

yet firmly anchored in Her power…

We embrace each other in the ecstasy you only experience

when beings of different species…

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In The Arms of The Beloved

13 Moon Alchemy

Ecstatic Love 1

Image Source: Google Images

The other night Rumi came in… bathing me in his Love… There is silent joy and excitement in the air. He puts the most mystical, magical sapphire blue mantle that is made of the night sky with stars and moons around me while the roof opens up and the most beautiful liquid night sky starts pouring down, filling me…all of me….all around me, nourishing my Heart and my soul. Looking deeply into my eyes and holding my hands Rumi says: The Truth is, beloved, the Divine is madly in Love with you! It loves you so deeply, so passionately, so vastly…You are His Beloved, His True Lover… You yell and scream at Him, you turn your back to Him, He loves you anyway…He cannot wait to kiss your face and so He rains upon you… He rushes to caress you with the wind…In the day He baths…

View original post 621 more words

Weaving Life Into Creation


“Let me respectfully remind you, 

Life and death are of supreme importance.

Time passes swiftly and opportunity is lost.

Let us awaken, awaken!

Take heed. Do not squander your life.”

The Evening Gatha


Life is not about struggling to stay alive…

to avoid Death…

or to live as long as possible…

nor to play for time

to avoid the Unavoidable. 

Life is about LIVING… and LOVING…

Time is a perceived illusion…yet in this dream… 

it is a unique gift given to each of us

To use with impeccability…


Time is finite.  Unique. Beyond precious.

Being aware of why we do what we do at all times… 

Not squandering any precious moment. 

The sweet paradox of creation, Time, that is!

You see, time is not real and yet so real,

of supreme importance.

Not one moment is the same as another one. 

Not one moment, when passed, ever comes back.

The gift of Time…

It is the thread, the stiches 

with which we weave ourselves 

into the tapestry of the great mandala of the Creation itself.


Let us Awaken, Awaken in the Dream!

To Dream Consciously

Letting the Dream unfold in Divine’s Ways…

And delight in it in awe… 

Let us be so permeable,

so connected to the web of Life as Is. 

To weave our Selves… 

To be woven…

By the hand of the Divine. 

Death will come anyway… the end of this dream. 

Only to start a new one… in the enternal, infinite cycle of life… 

Death as a marker for change… into a different dream. 

All life regardless how long, is a life fully lived…

One moment, one week, one month, one century….

All equally FULL and FULFILLED…

If you make it so.

This is an enormous power and an enormous freedom

we have in our hands here

to allow the dream to be shaped to what it is meant to be… 

to move in the direction, in the path it is destined to.

Letting Life Live itself… 

In you… 

Through you… 

Around you.

That is the empowerment we seek. 

That is the fulfillment we chase. 

That is the connection we yearn for.


To be impeccable with Life,

with Time.

To take Life, Death and Time seriously 

knowing and receiving the Gift of all 

while being a Gift to Life itself. 

Blessed be all lives lived,

all lives yet to be lived,

and all lives that are weaving themselves into the Web of Existence.

Blessed be!

Copyright © 2017, Areolia Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you!

Open Invitation from the Muse



I Play. I Inspire.

Imagine conjuring a smiling blue genie with a shiny gold lamp that could offer you your heart’s desire, if you would enter the vulnerability that opens up Universes through permeability to the Divine impulse in the present moment, sacred revelation that sanctifies your life with the leavening freedom of… LAUGHTER!  (from The 13 Moon Oracle, by Ariel Spilsbury)  


Here’s an open invitation for you…an invitation to lighten up! To not take anything so seriously, especially yourself! To loosen all the ties that chain you firmly to your oh so cherished beliefs, concepts, thoughts, ideas… To release yourself… from the firm grip of your want-to-know mind into the lightness of a laughter that in the quantum field bursts all the bonds that keep you captive in the greyness of a black/white world…into a world of rainbows, unicorns, fairy dust, magic, miracles and giggles… where anything is possible…into a world of Light-ness that YOU essentially ARE!

When: Anytime

Where: Anywhere

Don’t forget to RSVP and please bring some baklava as a sacred offering to the Muse and your magic wand as well…..Oh, please bring your lightest self and your wings to fly! We don’t want to bore the Goddess, do we?  

Sat Chit Ananda,

Copyright © 2017, Areolia Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you!

The Frequency of Emerald Green



“Imagine yourself as tiny spheres (atoms) interconnected and communicating. And imagine further that the communication is your consciousness. Then imagine that each of these spheres is made out of billions of smaller spheres. And then imagine that their interconnectivity is your consciousness. Do the same for subatomic particles and so on to infinity. In this process you will understand communion.” (MQP)  from “The 13 Moon Oracle, by Ariel Spilsbury”

…Green is a magical frequency. The Alchemists called the Bird Tribe of angelic language the Green Language. The vibration of green has been continuously used throughout time for healing and wholing. It is a frequency that sustains life abundantly. In the West money is green, symbolic of this fact…” from “The 13 Moon Oracle, by Ariel Spilsbury”


The moon is Lady of Communion these days. The color frequency of the Lady of Communion is emerald green. To nurture and renew ourselves, our bodies, our spirits but also to invite abundance of resources and money we invite the frequency of emerald green deeper into our being, into our lives. Diving deep into the emerald green, taking a long walk in the woods and thus bathing in all the hues of green, saturating our eyes, our aura with the frequency of green…. emptying our mind, connecting with the nature that naturally teaches communion with all that is…. all the while being aware of the emerald green light surrounding us… in fluidity… feeling the ease…the relaxation and the enlivening quality of emerald green….in us…through us…around us… in communion with ALL THAT IS… See the forest, each and every tree, branch, leaf, the sky, the earth, the sun, the animals and your body as interconnected and communicating… and imagine that your consciousness is that communication… how deep down the rabbit hole can you go? How deeply can you commune with all creation?

Blessed be,


Copyright © 2017, Areolia Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you!


Dark of the Moon in The Great Mother



…Quantum spirals of nurturance spanning from the Void into form and finally claiming all in dissolution , sustaining you even in the morning sickness of entering the unknownable Mystery of mystical assimilation and death that leads to a new spiral whorl on turtle’s back that walks with the scythe as her walking stick bleeding a claret of moon blood that is reabsorbed into her own body during the dark of the moon.

from “The 13 Moon Oracle , Holographic Meditations of The Mystery” by Ariel Spilsbury


Copyright © 2017, Areolia Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you!

In the Dark of the Moon!

New Moon Goddess

“In the Goddess everything begins and ends in silence, in the dark of the moon…. 
Receptivity offers an openness to the chalice of your body/psyche as a receptor of Divine intent. Or you could enter another spiral that is the pure potential of beingness, primal essence, the dark undivided waters, the quantum soup from which creation emerges and in its very spaciousness offers you, release from the bondage of form.”
(from The 13 Moon Oracle, by Ariel Spilsbury)
May you enter deeply the primal essence, step into the  dark, undivided waters to experience the freedom, the lightness, the spaciousness, the silence and the emptiness of the infinite Void this Dark of the Moon! May you open, surrender and receive the Mother more than ever before! May all beings RECEIVE!
Blessed be!
Copyright © 2017, Areolia Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you!

Be The Mystery



Be the Mystery

Not the one who tries to solve it

to understand it

You don’t need to like it

You don’t need to enjoy it

You don’t need to grasp it,

judge it,

analyze it,

put it to test…

Regardless how you feel about it

What if you simply let it be

what it IS.

No questions asked.

Instead of solving the mystery,

What if you ARE the mystery.



Life and death, both are mystery…

the Creation is a mystery…

No why…no how…

No questioning

No what’s the point?

will solve the mystery…

The Mystery is Divine…

The Divinity is a Mystery…



When you have a mystical experience…

You just know it is REAL…

You don’t believe it…

You don’t understand it…

You have no questions…

When it is happening the mystical experience is NO mystery…

When the experience is over…

it is a mystery…

When the mystery reveals itself in one moment of time

It is crystal clear….question-less…

When the moment is over

It becomes again a mystery…

Why not leave the mystery be the mystery…

Respect it…

Accept it…

Allow it…

Let it reveal itself in most miraculous ways…

The Grace then that awakens within you

that reminds you of YOUR OWN mysterious nature,






Let life be the mystery!

Leave it all in the mystery!

Experience things as though they are happening for the very first time!


Come Home to the mystery!

Experience THAT!

All you have to do is…

to be exactly who you are…

and letting it all be what it is…

a mystery

that is constantly revealing itself

if you allow it…

The willingness to see  and feel life as it is, in its imperfection…

The willingness to be exactly as you are…

True surrender.



Don’t attempt to solve the mystery that YOU ARE!

Don’t rob yourself of the magic, of the esprit of the existence!

Let it be what it is…

The miracle that it is…



Copyright © 2017, Areolia Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you!

Will You Stand Still With The Sun?




Can you hear the silence?

Can you taste it, smell it?

It is the Solstice night…the longest night…the dark peaks…

when the Light is re-born.

Can you stand still, really stand still in the middle of the night?

Can you fully relax into the darkness?

Do you dare to melt into it?

And lose your fear, your doubt and your worry to the night?


Can you hear the tones, the overtones of the silence

that dances in your cells?

Can you become the silence?

Can you feel the depth and the space of the dark night?

Can you be quiet, really quiet?

Can you see the light that is always in darkness?

Do you see the Oneness of all

that liberates you from the bondage of polarity

and catapults you into the reality of Heaven

in a split second?


Can you hear the Queen of the Night calling your name?

Feel the pull into Her loving arms

that asks for nothing but for what is not you

and offers you YOU in return?

Will you die and be reborn?

Are you going to hold vigil tonight,

in the longest night?

Will you listen to the silence

and stand still with the Sun?

Copyright © 2016, Areolia Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you!