Monthly Archives: April 2014

All Phases of the Moon ~ The Alchemical Goddess of Ecstasy

All Phases of the Moon ~ The Alchemical Goddess of Ecstasy

I am freedom. I am union. I am grace.

She changes everything She touches and everything She touches changes….


Image Credits: 13 Moon Oracle

She is the Navajo Changing Woman…She is the rainbow, dolphin, silver, gold, rainbow color, She is all five elements…She is the peacock feather, star blankets, lotus and orchids…She is the diamond, opal…”She who is a Shapeshifter, Changing Woman“, the integrated, balanced and whole image of the Goddess. She is the prima materia, the primal substance from which the final gold of higher consciousness, is transmuted in alchemy… This aspect of the Goddess is completely whole, integrated, androgenous, amorphous, ubiquitous, omnipresent, omniscient, unnameable and ineffable. She acknowledges and empowers through direct perception and experience only, in the mysterium of being. Her skills are of fluidity, acceptance of what is and staying perfectly poised in present moment. … The initiation into the Mystery in this aspect is done through ecstasy. In this aspect the Divine Feminine wants you to comprehend that you can choose to evolve through ecstasy. … Ecstasy is a constant frequency in your being in the Goddess. Whether you tune into it or not is your choice and a conscious choice to do so, represents the embodiment of this aspect of the Goddess.” (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)
How can one describe Ecstasy? Or write about i? It is intrinsically unnameable, ineffable, it is simply there. It can not be grasped, understood, captured, given or taken…It simply IS there…BEING is ecstatic when there are no distortions…
How do we choose to tune into ecstasy? The answer in my experience is by simple presence in the Now moment, being in fluidity and flowing with the Now moment as it presents itself. Everything is in constant change, in fluid movement, one thing turning into another and another and another. Nothing is static in creation. If we are identified with a static self, being something or doing something that is well defined we are not being in fluidity, we are not open to the Divine moving through us in ever changing shape shifting ways and forms the Divine takes. It is being one moment one thing and the next another, free of any identification or holding on to it. If we feel stagnated we are not in the present moment since the present moment is in constant change. If we feel stagnation, if we are struggling we might be holding on to one moment’s experience and not letting it go, resisting fluidity and change. Expectation is another thing that freezes us in one moment’s experience in which we demand a certain experience to follow. You see, fluidity is easy, it is simple, it is natural while stagnation and struggle are not.
Now what does it mean to be present in the present moment? Again, it is a simple choice, a shift in perception: by being available, open, accessible with everything and everybody life presents in the Now moment, engaging with it all, giving our whole Heart to it all without holding back anything. By moving with it all in fluidity without agenda, fixation, expectation or contemplation. Life is happening all around us, each and every Now moment is full and overflowing with gifts, beings, situations for us to engage with, to be present with, to give our whole Heart to….Life becomes so easy, so full and fulfilling this way. In each Now moment if we listen, see, perceive, interact, receive and give our whole Being to the infinite things that are happening…There are worlds within worlds in each moment if we open our eyes and see, if we open our ears and hear, Life is constantly calling us…
in the Ecstasy of Being,
Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you for your respect!

26th Day After New Moon ~ The Queen of Death

26th Day After New Moon ~ The Queen of Death

I release. I trust.


“Take back the night,

since when did you believe there was a wrong or right

the dark side of the moon is white, only shadowed light

you are not flawed or broken,

the dark side of the moon is but an eternal token

of one side in the journey to wholeness.”

(from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)


Image Source: 13 Moon Oracle

Right before the Dark Moon we have the moon phase of the Queen of Death, “She Who Leads the Depth Descent Within“. She is Inanna, Persephone, Hecate…She is peace, authenticity, release, non-resistance, completion, letting go…She is the bat, the vulture, the panther… She is deep black….She is the death shroud…She is the black pearl, black tourmaline, obsidian, star jasmine, black orchid…She is the five pointed star… She offers you freedom from ego-control, self-destruction, self-sabotage, fear, denial, resistance, depression, hopelessness…She is here to free you into the SPACE, into the VOID all of that came from, YOU came from… If you only release and trust Her….If you only release everything you think you know…all your resistance…all you control….and let Her guide you into the Unknown…that is only unknown to your mind, of course, since You Are EVERYWHERE and EVERYWHEN, in every particle of Creation. How could it be otherwise?…Nothing is really unknown to You….if you let go, release and trust Her to guide you into the Infinite Void that is only empty to  the mind….

“This aspect of the Goddess acknowledges and empowers through consciously composting the masks of the small ego. The Queen of the Underworld unmasks and unveils, stripping us naked of the ego’s illusions. She removes the masks of preferred identifications and definitions of the small self. She asks us to courageously walk into the unknown and the murky subconscious realms to retrieve the gifts held there.” (The Alchemy of Ecstasy)

This phase of the moon the invitation is to look at the dark side of the moon that is “only shadowed light”! To look at what you have been shying away, what you have been resisting, what you have been looking away from…What you have been avoiding in fear, in angst…What you have been running away from… What if the so called darkness wasn’t dark and the so called bad wasn’t bad at all? Would you be willing to try a new pair of glasses the Queen of Death is handing you? Would you be willing to look at what you have made yourself blind to in hopes to keep the darkness outside of you…Would you be willing to see the Light, the Love, the consciousness in all the darkness? The gift in it? The WHOLENESS, ALL OF YOU beyond any polarity and duality of dark and light? No less is being offered to you this day… the death of your small “i”‘s, of all the “i”s you think you are…i am this, i am that….i am good, i am bad, i am lovable, i am unlovable….Have you noticed that all of them come in duality pairs? Have you noticed that you cannot be good but not bad, you cannot be lovable but not unlovable…In the realm of duality if you are one polarity you are the opposite polarity by default… all of those false selves that are only distortions of a self that is not YOU! Would you be willing to release all the small “i am”‘s you created into existence and let all of them die…. and become the Space they came from, so you are re-born as I AM that cannot die?

Here’s to your taking back the night,

Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you for your respect!

23rd Day After Dark Moon ~ The Weaver Dreamer

23rd Day After Dark Moon ~ The Weaver Dreamer

I dream. I connect.

I am the weaver

I am the woven one…

I am the dreamer…

I am the dream….


Image Source: 13 Moon Oracle

There is a woman who weaves the night sky

See how she weaves, how her fingers fly

She is within us from beginning to end…

Our Grandmother, our sister, our friend…

She changes everything she touches

And everything she touches changes…

“Conscious Dreamers: co-ordinates of consciousness forming the matrix on which the new Divine game is being played….alchemical crucibles distilling frequency domains for our transmutation into the fifth state of matter, we are the weavers, we are the woven ones, we are the dreamers, we are the dream.” (from 13 Moon Oracle)

“She – The Weaver Dreamer – is our guide through the labyrinth of life and death. She offers us the sacred thread that guides us through the apparent maze and multifarious appearance of existence to unity consciousness. She invites us to discover ourselves through dreams but also through practical wisdom ways, as in the way of the artisan weaver. She shows us the pattern that connects us even between seemingly irreconcilable pairs like love and death. ” (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)

Life is a dream….as well as death….we constantly dream ourselves into realities….and out of realities….we forget that we’re dreaming…or we wake up IN THE DREAM and dream consciously…Do you remember dreams where things were not happening to you but you were actually consciously choosing what to do, what to say, which way to go instead of watching it all and yourself as well? Those lucid dreams…where you Know you are dreaming and you consciously create the dream reality while being in it? This awareness is the gift of the Weaver Dreamer face of the Goddess. She offers you conscious dreamer-ship, lucidity, calls you to weave dreams that are in more coherent patterns with the Divine rather than in the scattered patterns of your ego/mind. She invites you to dream up Divine, mythic, BIG stories, dreams, write and re-write your life’s script over and over again to bring it into more coherency with YOU, to bring in more and more of your Self into the dream…Will you accept?

This phase of the Moon the invitation is to look at the dream you are dreaming right now in this moment…How does it feel to you? If that is a foreign concept for you, just consider the possibility that all your life, everything you think you are and you have, including everybody else in your life, in your dream, are being dreamt up by YOU! Consider the possibility that this is YOUR dream! You can change it, shift it, re-write the script, re-write the characters in your script, re-write and re-create YOURSELF in your dream! It is you…It has always been YOU!

By the way…Have you seen the movie “The Nines”? If you wish to expand your view of life and death I highly recommend it…

What brilliant realities can you dream up today? What else is possible for you?


To your dreams you will be dreaming for the One,


Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you for your respect!

20th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Wise Woman

20th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Wise Woman

I simplify. I resonate.

After the initiations of the last moon phase the Wise Woman is waiting for us, with all Her gifts: a Knowing smile on Her face, Her infinite Wisdom, Simplicity, Allowance and Her unmistakable, cheeky humor! She “Who Sees, Heals and Shows the Way”, The Wise Woman, Sophia, Athena, White Buffalo Calf Woman, La que Sabe…Her colors are white and black, Her crystal is smoky quartz and also snowflake obsidian, Her herbs are basil and chamomile, Her animal totem is crow, but also magpie, coyote, elephant and the Cheshire cat too!



Image Source: 13 Moon Oracle

“This archetype of the Goddess is often seen as an elder or crone, the Wise Woman-Healer of the tribe. Her accumulated wisdom and respect in the tribe is held in the symbol of her healing staff. … This face of the Goddess is about letting go more of the physical form and allowing the spirit to illuminate with even more clarity. The Wise Woman-Healer archetype shines through the power of her inner self-assurance and self-understanding as a “Knower”. As a woman who “knows”, she has brought together the instinctual, rational and intuitive. … she can shape shift into a divine child, a beautiful young woman, or an animal. Her ability to consciously shape shift is one of her greatest gifts. In seeing through the illusion of identification with roles, she can wear any mask without attachment. She often uses humor to break down limiting perceptions of the small ego self. Her wry smile belies the fact that she has moved beyond reactivity to the gambits within the human drama, into a place of acceptance and allowance of all ways of doing and being.” (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)

Seeing through the illusion of identification with roles and being able to wear any mask without attachment! Imagine THAT Freedom! That Joy! Fluidity! Being able to slip into ANY role and play it with gusto and not be identified with it! What a gift! Wouldn’t you like to be able to do just that? If so…follow me…follow me into the realm of the Crown Wisdom…

What is wisdom?

Wisdom cannot be taught, sought, bought or thought

wisdom is not

what you think

at any given moment

it pours into the empty container

that attracted it with its openness,

its willingness to know

the clarity of it ravenousness for real

Wisdom gets the cosmic joke

that as soon as we stepped out of the checkerboard of duality

long enough to see it for what it actually is

that is, an evolutionary, holographic playground of

apparent realities that are eventually 

all leading to


and then seeing that,

somehow seems to make getting there easier.

from (The Alchemy of Ecstasy)


Image Source: free domain

“Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.” (H.D. Thoreau)

The Wise Woman offers us simplicity when our minds over-complicate and clutter our lives and our consciousness. Wisdom is simple, Truth is simple, Love is simple… if it is not simple it is not real but only a construct of the mind…at least in my world. Haven’t you noticed the tendency and the brilliancy of your mind to complicate things so it has something to do? What in your life is calling for simplification? Simplicity….sounds so light, so easy, so expansive and something you would like to have too? As always it is simple, just choose it! Use your mind that is so brilliant at making things complicated to reverse its functioning and to simplify things more and then even more! Isn’t that simple? Call forth the Wise Woman, ask yourself one question: “What does really matter?” If it doesn’t matter to YOU, to your essential Self, why hold on to it? Where have you made the detail more important than your Self, than Love, than Joy and Laughter? Why drown in detail if you could use that time to LIVE, to simply BE? Isn’t it a huge waste of all the precious time you spend to take care of a million details? Simplify! Simplify! Simplify!

You see, here’s the thing…if you become too complex and immersed in detail you are probably focused mainly in mental realms where the mind is so invested in being right, knowing it all (as opposed to Knowing in your Heart) and possibly very critical as well. So the ways of the mind, of the mental levels is always a slippery slope…Here’s a question: What do you base your knowing on? The mind’s way of knowing, at a mental level is based on information gathered, data collection, so to speak. The mind knows only what it has been fed with, what it experienced itself or mostly bought as a second hand experience from somebody else, from the mass collective. So, what if I told you that you don’t know anything but only access a giant data base of information that is, let us put it this way, pretty much useless if you are treading on the path of Love…on the path of the Divine….on the path of the Divine Mystery…In fact it can get quite a load all of that mind knowing. As the Wise Woman says, Wisdom – simple, natural, innate Heart Knowing – cannot be sought, bought or thought! If you thought of it…it is a thought, it is not Wisdom!

Don’t get me wrong, I am not putting your mind out of business. I am just suggesting that it might need a new position and a new job description, if you will. I love my mind, it is smart, quick and open, it makes my life so easy in the linear world! Yet I regularly spend time in the child’s pose doing Yoga, to remind my mind that my Heart is always, always in charge. The child’s pose is the only position the body can get in, where the Heart is higher than the head.

What if the job of the mind is not and has never been to know or to make decisions for you or to run your life? What if the mind’s job is and has always been to collect data and information as needed to fulfill the Heart’s Wisdom in the physical world? What if the mind was created to serve the Heart? What if the mind was a tool for us to function in the physical reality and nothing more and nothing less? A beautiful, useful tool, a friend…but not the Source of Wisdom for us…What if all Wisdom, all what we Know is embedded in our Heart and is simply, naturally there and cannot be and need not be learned… sought…thought…or bought????

May your Heart Wisdom guide you always Home,


Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you for your respect!




18th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Initiator

18th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Initiator

I align. I challenge. I clarify. 


Image Source: 13 Moon Oracle
18th day after the Dark Moon it is time for the Initiator. Time to challenge our thoughts, beliefs, time to bring clarity into our mental realms and into our realities! I promise we will get to softer faces of the Goddess, so just willingly give yourself to the catalyzing, challenging, aligning Power of the Initiator who brings clarity, discrimination, integrity, radical change, coherency, quantum leap, breakthroughs of sorts into our lives and into our Being. She will challenge anything you are overly identified with, your need for recognition, approval, power and control, your self-importance…anything that is not Your Truth, anything you truly are NOT! She Loves you so much that She is willing to do ANYTHING to set YOU FREE! Ready? If so….
Enter in! And hear the shrill cry of the hawk, Her totem animal! 
“The way of the Initiator is the way of Truth. The Initiator acknowledges and empowers through challenge. She prunes, encourages growth, catalyzes changes, expands perceptions, cultivates and ripens potential, motivates alignment with essence and truth, tunes the harmony of each being…..She cannot be distracted from her purpose. She leads us through pain to joyful insight. If we try to resist her, she will hound our footsteps to the end. In this, her compassion is unparalleled in its determination. The initiator’s skills are clarity, discrimination and most importantly a willingness to be an empty instrument through which the Divine offers its perception of truth. Her sacred tool is thus the sword.” (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)
Purple Iris
Image Artist: Andrew Schmidt (
What is an initiator and what is an initiation? In “The Alchemy of Ecstasy” Ariel Spilsbury defines the initiator as the Divine playing through us and the initiation as transmutation through surrender. If you have been thinking that initiations have only occurred in temples in ancient cultures and not in our times, consider this: Life itself is the initiation. We expand and grow while we go through life’s situations on a daily basis. The perceived challenges in life, the so called problems, issues are all initiations for each and every one of us. We can move through them lucidly and transmute them through surrender to our Divine Self and Divine Wisdom. The initiators are the ones in our lives who catalyze our growth, our own inner Truths when we are not living and embodying them, or in simpler terms the dear ones who “push our buttons”. I am going to challenge the idea of “learning lessons” here, the idea of the Divine putting stones on our way so we learn our lessons. We are Infinite, Divine Beings, we are Creator Incarnate in a physical form. The idea of learning lessons puts us and our consciousness in a state where we have to learn and pass examinations and where we are here to earn and learn our way out of difficulties and suffering. In my perception nothing could be further from the truth… Life on planet Earth is not a school for me. If you, however, see it as a school, consider the possibility of a Waldorf school at least? There are no lessons to learn but experience, enjoy, grow and expand. The perceived challenges in life initiate us deeper into the Divine Mystery by our surrender to our Higher Selves. Thus we expand and grow upon ourselves.
Would you be willing to look at your challenges in your life and to all the initiators, also called button pushers who challenge us most in our lives and see the gift in that? We all live in a temple – called life – and receive our initiations by those initiators – also called “persona non grata” – after all, so why not see it all in a different light instead of struggling with it, fighting against it or running away from it all? 
Initiators are lightning handlers, Divine coherency testers, whose sole purpose is to shatter your inauthentic perceptions like a crystal glass, shatter what defines your prison walls….shatter your romance with personal power, you who may think power has what your gnawing Emptiness is actually craving, what your addictions are actually trying to fill? …Love wields the sword of truth and in vibrational eloquence cuts away your narcissistic self-absorption, offering you entrance into the diamond body greenhouse acceleration chamber whose specialty is blooming lotuses, you namely. (from The 13 Moon Oracle)
In this phase of the Moon you are invited to call the power and clarity of the sword into your being, into your consciousness to cut through all illusions, all distortions of false power, false self images, fears, doubt…you name it. You are invited to call forth the frequency of the color purple to evoke your inner Truth, the power of Truth that frees us​ from all suffering and sets us​ free. I love the color purple, actually one of the main walls in my house is purple. I often wear purple to remind myself of my commitment to Know and embody my highest Truth.I want to Know the Truth, always, so I will challenge anything that is less than radiance, brilliance and Joy. I will challenge and question everything that makes me react and that makes me contract. I Know that when I face a challenge or if I hate the guts of somebody I am in for an initiation, an initiation into a deeper Truth. I Know that the fastest way to face it is to surrender my point of view, my beliefs, my ego’s need to be right – also called control – my ideas, what I think I know. All suffering is self-inflicted, ego-mind inflicted, isn’t it? When I am willing to release my romance with drama and emotional intensity I know I will be released into Freedom, I will be initiated into something bigger than I was before. For me this is truly the biggest act of kindness towards myself. When we are ready and willing to let go of our fascination with suffering and drama, with being in control we are ready for the Initiator, for the initiation. Otherwise as She promised, She will hound our footsteps to the end, right? Her Love for us is THAT deep! So I invite you to the “acceleration chamber” this phase of the Moon. Will you accept? 
Shrill cry of hawk screams
Waken Initiate!
Waken within the dream,
In the initiation of life, as it is, that is,
ill to truth is fierce
when you have wakened for a moment within the dream
and recognized yourself sitting there self absorbed
as Narcissus,
in that moment of piercing clarity
you recognize that
truth can only be recognized,
observed as it is happening, in other words
seen for what it is without the 
encumbering distortions and residue
inherent in the passage of becoming light…
from (The Alchemy of Ecstasy)
Here’s to Truth that sets us all FREE,
Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it intact in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you for your respect!

16th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Primal Goddess

16th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Primal Goddess

I Fuel. I Consume.


The moon has started to wane and right after the Full Moon it is time for the Primal Goddess, for the Wild Woman! The instinctual, free, untamed, passionate, ecstatic Dionysian priest/ess in us! Her symbols are volcanoes, fire, lightening, Her animal totems are snake and wolf, Her element is FIRE, Her crystals are carnelian and fire opal and Her color is red/orange/russet/yellow/gold/cupper. The mostly known archetype for this face is Shakti and Lilith as well. Her herb or spice should I say, is cardamom! What a spice that is! What about a cardamom tea today? Her scent is ylang ylang or musk. 


Primal Goddess-1

Image Source: 13 Moon Oracle


The way of the Primal Goddess is the way of instinctual freedom. This face of the Goddess is seen as the untrammeled wild woman, the source spring of our creativity, the passionate gypsy, the intoxicating priestess of the Goddess who initiates the male aspect as a sacred priestess initiatrix. She acknowledges and empowers through passion and sourcing the primal energy of creation. Her transcendent function emerges through the use of creativity and through that, co-creation of reality. (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)

Have you read “Women Who Run With Wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D.? If not, I highly recommend it. In this book Pinkola Estes says: “Over time, this aspect of the Goddess in the instinctive nature has been looted, driven back and overbuilt. It is not coincidental that wolves, coyotes, bears and wild women presently share similar “bad” reputations. Healthy wolves and healthy women share certain characteristics: keen sensing, playful spirit and a heightened capacity for devotion. Wolves and women are relational by nature, inquiring, and possessed of grate endurance and strength. They are deeply intuitive, intensely concerned with their young, their mate and their pack. They are experienced in adopting to constantly changing circumstances and are fiercely courageous. Yet both have been hounded, harassed and falsely said to be devouring, vicious in their power and uncontrollable. If she is suppressed, the wild woman struggles upward. No matter how many time she is forbidden, quelled, diluted, touted as unsafe, dangerous, mad, she rises upward in women such that even the most restrained woman keeps a secret place for wildwoman that is lush and wild and natural. Even the most captured woman guards the place of the wildwoman for she knows intuitively that someday there will be a loophole, an aperture, a chance, and she will hightail it to escape.”

“This aspect of the Goddess operates from the instinctual wisdom held in her body. This aspect is the one who alerts us when something is definitely “off”, when we would be smart to act immediately.” (The Alchemy of Ecstasy) How is your relationship to this wisdom held in your body? How are you holding your instincts, your “gut feeling”? Are you aware of that? Are you listening to the wisdom held in your body? What are you basing your actions on? Why are you doing what you are doing? Where does the directive come from to do what you do when you do it? Are you acting from your intrinsic Knowing in your belly? 


Doing as others told me, I was Blind.

Coming when others called me, I was Lost.

Then I left everyone, myself as well.

Then I found Everyone, Myself as well. ~ Rumi


This aspect invites us to re-connect with our instincts, with our naturally free, wild and passionate selves. If you are trained to be a “good girl” or a good boy, to behave well, to not speak too loud, to not stand out….to suppress your wildness…(who isn’t, really?) I invite you to have a look into those areas of your being. Where have you compromised and hid your wild, untamed Self? And is it time yet for that part of You to come out? 

The Primal Goddess says: I fuel. I consume. Snake whose simultaneous undulations both fuel and consume creation with Extasis Divinitus, Shakti, break the quantum bonds of separation with ecstasy, incinerate us like papyrus put to flame, leaving the encoded ashes of the Phoenix, rising as a shooting star through Divine atmospheres. (from 13 Moon Oracle)

My beautiful friend Ariel sent me a postcard in the mail just yesterday. On the card it says: “If you ask me what I came into this world to do. I will tell you: I CAME TO LIVE OUT LOUD. (by Emile Zola) Wow, right ?! When were you loud, really loud last time? When were you completely without control, out of your mind, free and wild last time? What if we are all born to be WILD? What a thought! This phase of the moon I invite you to put on some crazy music and allow yourself to be WILD! Really WILD! And not worry about the neighbors or anybody else who you might be “disturbing” in their collective slumber! What about “Born to Be Wild” by Steppenwolf?… or with “Passion” by Peter Gabriel… Or whatever calls to you, whatever calls you to your wild nature that is naturally FREE from any bondage, from any limitation! 


Take the world in a love embrace

Fire all your guns at once

And explode into space


Like a true nature’s child

We were born, born to be wild

We can climb so high

I never wanna die

(Born To Be Wild)


Freedom ~ Artist: Oceanna (


The quantum bonds, re-forming in our consciousness

edict of the new divine hologram of initiation in the Goddess

begin at the level of 


of electrons

get the beauty and simplicity of that?




can’t you feel it in your body

when you really listen?

Goddess Empress dancing in her opulent gowns

gracefully whirling, flowing, leaping

faster and faster in your atoms

in your electrons

alive with the passion of the divine fire

expanding in joy,

like heart beats pounding in love making

embracing, expanding, exploding,

the inner nebula of the numinous

implosion in to sacramental intimacy

with the Beloved,

divine orgasm


breaking the quantum bonds 

of separation 

with extasis divinitus

extasis divinitus

extasis divinitus

Shakti, Shakti, Shakti...


from (The Alchemy of Ecstasy, Ariel Spilsbury)


To your Wildness,



Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück

This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share please keep the entire, unaltered text with the copyright reference and source.

Full Moon ~ The Goddess of Love

Full Moon ~ The Goddess of Love

I Feel. I Respond. I Beautify.

The Moon is FULL and it is time for LOVE! Ahhhhhh….best time ever! Honestly, when isn’t time to Love? Yet when the Moon becomes full it is a dynamic call to Love…to become aware of the Love WE ARE! 
Image Credits: The 13 Moon Oracle
Let me give you the specifics first: It is time to surround us with the color pink, with the crystals rose quartz, pink sapphire or rhodochrosite…It is time to smell the roses and this time take it in even deeper than ever before…It is time for the Goddess Aphrodite/Venus, for her apple and almond trees, for pink roses, tuberoses, for sea shells and for Her Beauty that is all around us! It is “Aloha” time! Love is beckoning….ever calling you to let it penetrate your Heart, your body, your Soul…will you RESPOND? 
Will you choose the path of the Lover for you as the only way of Living and Being? “The way of the Lover is the way of presence in the present moment. The Lover embraces, inspires passion, offers eternally fulfilling unconditional love and sensual ecstasy. The Lover sees the Beloved in every face.” (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy). Or as Rumi says: “Wherever you are and in whatever circumstance, try always to be a lover and a passionate lover…. You must be alive in love, for a dead man can do nothing. Who is alive? He to whom love gives birth.”
Well, could we FEEL love then?
Ah, now that is a great question.
Love naturally flows into the container of the present moment
but it always overflows and moves endless on…
Unconditional love flows and says:
Yes, yes, yes I am that and that and that…
Yes, yes, yes, I am that and that and that and that….
What ever made you believe otherwise?
seeing through your split-apart eyes?
intentional or not
the net result is
having to work your way back out of the endless bifurcating pattern
to Oneness
to Oneness
to Oneness
come in…you are welcome here
there are no filters holding you out
you can release that surly dog named doubt
in the recognition
that there is nothing you can do 
to make me love you!
and there is nothing you can do, to make me not love you!
Imagine that!
Imagine that!
roses and orchids
wren and crane
all equal in love…
(from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)
Image Credits:
We all are open and willing to experience ecstasy and bliss, aren’t we? Well, most of us at least! Have you considered the fact that ecstasy is the other end of fear? Did you know that fear and ecstasy are same energy, as is pain? The thing is that if you have closed yourself to FEEL the so called “negative emotions” and keep constantly pushing them away from you, you are truly pushing away ecstasy and being alive from you! Now you know what I am heading for with this, right? We can have the whole package or none of it! We cannot experience just the pleasant feelings and skip the unpleasant ones! In order to Live deeply we need to FEEL deeply, to SENSE deeply, the whole range of sensations! Pain is a sensation, anger is a sensation, so be PRESENT and FEEL ALL OF IT! All that is there for a human experience to FEEL! Isn’t it ALL ONE anyway? Who made the distinction once? When True Ecstasy of Being that is a state and not a feeling descended into the realms of duality/polarity and fanned out as full spectrum of sensations, like the colors of the rainbow, with all tastes from anger, pain, love, joy, sadness…it is all ONE ECSTASY in Truth! None of those sensations are us, they are nothing but experiences, sensations that are in truth Ecstasy…When we open to ALL sensation, to all FEELING we open to our True Divine Being that is naturally Ecstasy and Love! So why fear sensation? Why live a life based on avoiding pain at any cost? Isn’t that avoiding and keeping oneSelf from oneself? Isn’t it more gentle and kind, more inviting to embrace it all gratefully, all the sensations a human physical and emotional body offers as gifts… and thus play with the whole deck of who we are?
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The Sacred Tool of the Goddess of Love is “Expand”, the Sacred Tool of the Senses. The senses are to expansion what lightning is to catalyzation. (The 13 Moon Oracle)
Archetypal Evocation of the Senses:
I NOW EVOKE the auroral locus of Divine ecstasy. Through the senses, i send runners of radial joy in all directions, throughout all time, crying tears at the impossible bliss of reunion that blesses all life. (The 13 Moon Oracle)
The Full Moon magnifies everything, especially all our feelings. It is a sacred time to open up to our senses, our feelings, to allow them, to embrace them like the full moon coming full circle with them. Time to be like the full moon, Being it all, shining our Light on everything in Love, unconditionally! Being present with ourselves, with everything that shows up…in total vulnerability and intimacy with ourselves! Embracing ourselves in what and how we are regardless the appearance…and being Grateful for it all!….in full sensation….
Don’t forget the Beauty too! Beauty opens the door to the Divine, to the Heart! Be willing to see Beauty all around you…Inviting Beauty into your life… “Show me the Beauty that I AM!”
Have you been trying to love yourself desperately thinking that it is the solution yet not knowing how on Earth to do that, only to find yourself discouraged and exhausted from trying? You cannot make yourself love yourself, it is only a mind game. Your mind cannot love you or itself for that matter. You ARE Love! You cannot exercise or try to love, if you do it is your mind trying to do something it feels itself separate from! Mission impossible, isn’t it?! Please consider accepting this invitation: Stop trying to love yourself! It takes you further and further away from the Love you simply ARE! Just stop, stop trying, stop trying to make it happen! Instead FEEL! FEEL IT ALL! Unconditionally! Let the mind be the mind….it will never understand love. Be aware of how your mind defined love and being loved and how it is doing its utmost to make sure that you get love from the outside world! Have you been consciously or unconsciously seeking love, manipulating others to love you? Have you been holding the belief that you are unlovable and nobody loves you? As Byron Katie says: “Everybody loves me! I just don’t expect them to know it.” See through the illusion of the business of seeking love! Love cannot be given or received. It is like a Divine Gift that IS naturally there! Love just IS! In Full Presence of what IS it simply pours in through all layers of your Being! Remember Love is simple…and easy…never work or effort??? This is the magic and miracle of Love! 
This Full Moon I invite you to open your senses, to look at where you might be denying any “unpleasant” feelings like sadness or emotional pain…I invite you to FEEL it all wholeheartedly…To be fully PRESENT with yourself, with all of you! We are usually trained to be constantly present with our mind, with our thoughts. What if you choose to be present with all of you, with all your sensations, with your body, and send your mind to rest for a couple of hours this full moon? I invite you to create a safe, Sacred, Beautiful space with pink roses, with rose quartz crystals for yourself and for your Self and to open to your senses…to open to Divine Ecstasy that is underneath of all sensation…What are you waiting for to BE all of YOU?
Remember also, this is a VERY rare Full Moon this time! It will be blood red due to the constellation of Mars and Earth…It is a once-in-a-life time experience! Would you be willing to go out and take a walk in blood read moonlight and SEE it through ALL of your senses tonight? To taste the full moon, to smell it, to almost touch it, to feel it on your skin….to see it…in what other ways can you sense deeper?
in deepest Love,

Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück

This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share please keep the entire, unaltered text with the copyright reference and source.


11th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Muse

11th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Muse

I play. ~ I inspire.


  It is time for the Muse: for butterflies, hummingbirds, for dolphins and faeries and flowers and loads and loads of JOY!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee….My absolute favorite! (I know I say this every time…but believe me, I mean it only 1000% each time, from the top of my Heart, as my friend Glenn of Trees says!) Where was I? Oh, YES! It is MUSE time, play time!  


Image Credits: The 13 Moon Oracle


  It is time to look at where we are stuck in a daily routine and in the grey zone of predictability of everyday life! Where we are stuck in repetitive patterns and the same series of events: wake up, shower, get coffee, get dressed, have breakfast, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed…to start  the next day all over again! Have you watched the movie “Groundhog Day”? Are you starring in your own version of that movie? If so, listen up! It is time to stir up some Joy and play and spontaneity! 

This time of the moon we simply PLAY! Our colors are aquamarine and turquoise, our scents are spice, vanilla and bergamot, our flowers are daisies…our crystal is blue topaz, aquamarine or turquoise! Our animal totem is butterfly, dragonfly or hummingbird obviously.   So, are you ready to leave the world of routine, of repetitiveness and seriousness? Are you ready to jump into the world of YOUR magical child that is MORE YOU than anything you might think you are? If so, follow me….



Fana, Rapture

come to me

I evoke you,

Muse of Whimsy

be one with me

sprinkling the blessings of the holy water

on my head that I may feel

your irresistible beckoning

that leads me ever deeper into the real reckoning of the nature of Love.


Laughter leading to unmitigated mirth

creation’s birth

at our hands

laughter’s presence is justified,

wherever it crashes the party,


In laughter we are freed to feel

The truth that lives beyond illusion

after all this is a very funny movie…..

(from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)

When was the last time you have a real good laugh, a belly laugh??? Seriously, when was the last time you laughed…at YOURSELF? Have you taken yourself and others, this comedy going on around you and about you too seriously? When was the last time you did something completely crazy, irrational, spontaneous, out of the order, extraordinary, out of the blue? If you cannot remember, you might need some faerie dust, my friend! Keep reading! We’re going to get you dance….naked…in the moonlight…or at least in the privacy of your home…like nobody is watching…   


“The Muse aspect of the Goddess presides over dance, art, poetry, song, music, acting. When we sing, dance, draw, act, tell stories, we are accessing that essence that lies beyond all masks. In sharing the spark of the creative life-force , we are becoming transparent to the Mystery that animates the mask and gives meaning to its essence. The playfulness and spontaneity, delight and laughter of the Muse inspires spontaneous insight and revelation of the Mystery. Her wisdom is born of innocence. She assists us in living in the present, following the  moment by moment delight, inspiration and guidance of the Divine.” (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy


Have you possibly exchanged your true nature that is spontaneous, vulnerable, open, expressive, playful for a serious, well-planned, rational, controlled life, keeping things together, functioning reliably for everybody around you? Are you work- and result-oriented and constantly running around taking care of anything and everything in your world? You see, the problem with that is that you gave up your fluidity, creativity, spontaneity, sensitivity and sign up for rigidity, predictability and confinement. By no means do I suggest you deny your everyday life, quit your work, leave your children and turn into a street clown…I am just inviting you to change your positioning to all of that so none of that owns you or runs you or your life…  



Image Credits: (free wallpapers)

  What about doing things differently each time? What about trying something NEW, really NEW every day? What about breaking the rigid, repetitive cycles of routine and step into fluidity in or relationship to our bodies, to our partner, to our outside world? What about making time and space for play? What about making everything we do a fun play? What are the infinite possibilities of play and playfulness? Playing is not a luxury or an unnecessary pursuit for adults! Playfulness is a divine quality of who we truly ARE! 


Do you think only artists need inspiration and muse? Wrong, again! We are all artists in what we do! Even if you do nothing else but keep your shoes from levitating…you are a creative Being! The question is though WHAT are you creating? Creative force is life force and it is in each and every one of us! It is what we ARE! If you haven’t considered that and have seen yourself in a different light than that, look again: What was it that gave you the deepest Joy when you were a child? What made your toes curl and your Heart sing the most Beautiful songs? Follow that track! Do it! I don’t care how old you are and what it is! Just do it! Follow your Joy, follow the track of Enjoyment! With all my Heart, let me say this to you: The ONLY reason you are here is to ENJOY being in a physical body on this Beautiful planet! Do what you en-Joy! If you don’t enjoy what you do, find ways to enjoy it or move on to something that gives you Real Joy! This dream called life is too short, so why not make it really, truly, utterly memorable and unique, wouldn’t you agree? Doesn’t that sound like more fun than living an “off the rack” kind of life that everybody else lives too?  


[Picture: ]

Image Credits: Fromoldbooks

   The Muse archetype is associated with the faerie realm and angels! If you have thought faeries are for little children and angels only exist in the bible or in paintings, look again! Really, don’t you remember those playful, cheery, joyful beings dancing around you when you were little? Can’t you remember the Cherubim angels who were your best friends once? If you dare to open your heart, your eyes for those beings next time when you are in an enchanted forest, look for them, call them. If you are sincere they will respond. I have an elf friend, her name is Tutu!  She often whispers the funniest things into my ear, and most of the time, I swear, I don’t understand a word of what she says…but I cannot stop giggling…even if I am in a company and seemingly laughing in people’s face without any apparent reason! Tutu always knows how to cheer me up or get me out of my mind if things start getting too serious. 


Having said all of that…I am leaving you in delight…I hope you make time to go out and play with the smiling faces of daisies today….and with butterflies…and re-member your True magical, playful nature…As my Beautiful friend Ariel says, I hope “you are not boring God” today! 🙂      


with giggles in delight,    


Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück

This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share please keep the entire, unaltered text with the copyright reference and source.

9th Day After The Dark Moon ~ Lady of Communion

9th Day After The Dark Moon ~ Lady of Communion 

I intend. ~ I empower.

It is time for the Lady of Communion, for emerald green, for emeralds, for the scents mint and juniper, for sunflowers, Unicorns and violets! My favorite!!! This aspect of the Divine Feminine is among so many other things about solar androgyny, represented in the equal balance between male and female aspects within. “She is free, independent, and perseverant. She acknowledges and empowers through demonstration and action. Her energy is accessed through empathy and communion with all life, as a sacred reflection”. (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy, Ariel Spilsbury)

Some of Her symbols are archer’s target, bow, arrow, shield. Her sacred tool is the Light Shield/Mandala. Her element is Earth, her mantra is the Hindu chant Narayana, which means ‘resting place for all living beings’, Communion with all Life! Some key words are sovereignty and power.

How are you holding power in your consciousness?

What is power?

What is the source of your power?

Who or what do you consider to be powerful? Why?


Image Source:


One of the most known Goddess archetypes for this moon phase is the ancient Greek Artemis, Her Roman equivalent is Diana. Homer refers to Her as “Artemis of the wildland, Mistress of Animals”. She was the Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, woodland, of the Moon, of virginity and protector of young girls. Often she was depicted as a huntress with a bow and arrows. Deer and oak trees were sacred to Her.

 File:Artemis (Diana) från Versailles, Nordisk familjebok.png


Image source: Artemis (Diana) från Versailles, Nordisk familjebok


Artemis refused to conform to conventional ways or to traditions. She was fiercely independent, self-sufficient, living life on her own terms. She offers us illumination for those places in our consciousness that terrify us and offers us our own strength to move through the illusion of our fears. She invites us to look at our fears and see the truth about them: Most of the time fear is seen as the opposite of Love. In my perception fear is Love too! In the core of fear there IS Love, there IS consciousness otherwise fear couldn’t exist. Nothing that is not Love exists….Nothing that exists is without Love! Fear is Love covered with a lot of misperception and misinterpretation and blankets of distortions. Have you ever examined fear? Fear only exists in time! It is a thought and emotion in time. If you removed the concept of time, there is no fear possible in the Now. Yet you are NOT time! You are NOT fear! 

The invitation is to look for the Love at the core of every fear, thus transforming it moving through and beyond it. This archetype of the Divine Feminine will greatly assist you with just that: becoming fearless! Fearlessness is our natural state of Being. When we allow the Divine to move us to a place where fear has no relevance for us, that fear doesn’t hold us back anymore and most importantly where we are not afraid of the fear itself anymore we see through it and our consciousness becomes free. What is there to be afraid of if we are infinite consciousness, if we are absolutely unharmable, undestroyable and untouchable in Truth? Is it time yet to look through our fears that keep us in chains, that keep us from being all that we can BE? Is it time to remember our true sovereignty and our true power that comes from KNOWING OURSELVES?

Fearless Artemis, Diana is calling to you today! She is inviting you to look at where you have compromised your sovereignty, your authentic presence, where you have given yourself over to fear! Where in your consciousness and in what area of your life have you bought into powerlessness? Where are you contracting and protecting yourself… from your Self? In the Communion of ALL Life…She is calling you to examine where you might have compromised your inner male and/or your inner female and gotten out of balance. How is your male side doing? And your feminine side? How does balance in male and female polarities feel like in your body? In your psyche?

Artemis speaks:

of the clan of deer

running with the herd

I am Artemis of the clan of deer

Artemis, of the sacred word

honor code of the forest androgyne

sweet strength, supple stamina, soft sovereignty

warrior of gentle, from the land of green

running with the herd

entering into the current of maytides

To protect the maiden face of the Goddess

…. (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)

If you haven’t heard of her yet, of Malala, the 16 year old girl who is a true warrior of gentle….check this out:

Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück

This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share please keep the entire, unaltered text with the copyright reference and source.

6th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Creator Destroyer

6th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Creator Destroyer

I focus ~ I Create


This is the time for the Creator ~ Destroyer, time to focus and to create, time for the colors black, white and red. Some of the symbols for this archetype are skulls, blood, graves and volcanoes. One of Her crystals is ruby, Her sacred tool is Crystal Skull; the Hindu mantra is Kaliyei Swaha. The element is Earth and Fire, the scent is nag champa (or frankinense, myrrh) the herb is ginger, black pepper or cayenne. So, consider having a ginger tea this day, being fully aware of the fire, of the Destroyer aspect of the Divine Feminine in ginger. Even if you didn’t do anything else but had a freshly, consciously made ginger tea and communed with it, let it “speak to you” while drinking it, you opened your awareness to the frequency of, and consciousness in ginger, you opened the door to the Creator ~ Destroyer, to the mysteries of the Divine Feminine! Remember the holographic nature of Creation? The Goddess is in everything if we are just willing to be open and aware: in plants, trees, colors, forms, tones, crystals, elements….everywhere…

Vivianne, in “The Mists of Avalon” says: “The Goddess holds all things in balance: Good and evil, death and rebirth; the predator and the prey. Without Her, destruction and chaos will prevail. If you wish to deepen with this archetype these daysy here are some questions for you: Remember it is never about coming up with answers, let alone the correct answers! It is about what the question stirs and catalyzes in you and for you:

Why is the Creator and Destroyer one?

Is creation possible without destruction? Is destruction possible without creation? 

How are you creating and destroying on a daily basis?

How is your physical body creating and destroying at the same time each and every moment?

How are you consciously living as a Creator and Destroyer in your life?

How are you holding creation and destruction in your consciousness?


File:Kali by Raja Ravi Varma.jpg

Image Source: Kali by Raja Ravi Varma, Wikipedia

One of the Goddesses of this archetype is the Hindu Goddess Kali, Kali Ma. She often holds a sword and a freshly severed head dripping blood. It is said that in a battle she destroyed the demon Raktabija. The ego trembles with fear at Kali’s appearance but the awakened sees Her compassion and overflowing Love for Her children. Kali Ma also wears a garland of skulls around her neck and her skirt is made of dismembered arms symbolically pointing to ego’s attachment and identification with the physical body. The garland of skulls and her skirt are “trophies” won by Her, symbolizing her power to liberate Her children from all attachments and illusions. She is one of the most misunderstood (and thus feared) Goddesses of all.

She is also associated with empowerment and is known as the Goddess of Time and Change. She is represented as the consort of Lord Shiva, on whose body she is often seen standing. At a transcendent level, her horrific, terrifying nature comes to be seen as symbolic of her power to destroy ignorance and shatter the delusions of the ego.Kali represents Mother nature in her creative, nurturing and devouring aspects. She is the creator, the preserver and the destroyer (red, white and black). She eats what she has given birth to, for she has given birth to everything. (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)

(Kali Ma): I ,Kali Ma

dance on the grave of your attachments

your jealousy, your anger, your fears, comforts of all kinds

I dance on your mind’s distortions that keep you  blind

to the now

you’re avoiding standing naked in,

watching past perception’s grin

“protect” you from the immediacy of death…

from (The Alchemy of Ecstasy, by Ariel Spilsbury)

This moon phase I am focusing on my creations, where I am still possibly holding victimhood in my consciousness, where I am possibly not taking full responsibility for the creation of my own reality. How I might be still holding the belief that life is happening to me and not stepping into full conscious co-creator-ship with the Divine? What am I too attached to and unwilling to destroy? So I invite Kali into my Heart temple, into my life, into my Being these days, to ask Her for her Shakti force, for Her fierceness and for Her wild dance on the grave of my illusions, attachments to liberate me from my own ego creations, releasing me into total freedom. And I will dance with Her in ecstasy…releasing me into ME!

Kaliyei Swaha!


Suggested music for this archetype:

Jai Ma, from the CD Awakening by Robert Gass

Passion (the CD) by Peter Gabriel #1,3, 5 (from the Alchemy of Ecstasy)


Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück

This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share please keep the entire, unaltered text with the copyright reference and source.