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18th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Initiator

18th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Initiator

I align. I challenge. I clarify. 


Image Source: 13 Moon Oracle
18th day after the Dark Moon it is time for the Initiator. Time to challenge our thoughts, beliefs, time to bring clarity into our mental realms and into our realities! I promise we will get to softer faces of the Goddess, so just willingly give yourself to the catalyzing, challenging, aligning Power of the Initiator who brings clarity, discrimination, integrity, radical change, coherency, quantum leap, breakthroughs of sorts into our lives and into our Being. She will challenge anything you are overly identified with, your need for recognition, approval, power and control, your self-importance…anything that is not Your Truth, anything you truly are NOT! She Loves you so much that She is willing to do ANYTHING to set YOU FREE! Ready? If so….
Enter in! And hear the shrill cry of the hawk, Her totem animal! 
“The way of the Initiator is the way of Truth. The Initiator acknowledges and empowers through challenge. She prunes, encourages growth, catalyzes changes, expands perceptions, cultivates and ripens potential, motivates alignment with essence and truth, tunes the harmony of each being…..She cannot be distracted from her purpose. She leads us through pain to joyful insight. If we try to resist her, she will hound our footsteps to the end. In this, her compassion is unparalleled in its determination. The initiator’s skills are clarity, discrimination and most importantly a willingness to be an empty instrument through which the Divine offers its perception of truth. Her sacred tool is thus the sword.” (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)
Purple Iris
Image Artist: Andrew Schmidt (
What is an initiator and what is an initiation? In “The Alchemy of Ecstasy” Ariel Spilsbury defines the initiator as the Divine playing through us and the initiation as transmutation through surrender. If you have been thinking that initiations have only occurred in temples in ancient cultures and not in our times, consider this: Life itself is the initiation. We expand and grow while we go through life’s situations on a daily basis. The perceived challenges in life, the so called problems, issues are all initiations for each and every one of us. We can move through them lucidly and transmute them through surrender to our Divine Self and Divine Wisdom. The initiators are the ones in our lives who catalyze our growth, our own inner Truths when we are not living and embodying them, or in simpler terms the dear ones who “push our buttons”. I am going to challenge the idea of “learning lessons” here, the idea of the Divine putting stones on our way so we learn our lessons. We are Infinite, Divine Beings, we are Creator Incarnate in a physical form. The idea of learning lessons puts us and our consciousness in a state where we have to learn and pass examinations and where we are here to earn and learn our way out of difficulties and suffering. In my perception nothing could be further from the truth… Life on planet Earth is not a school for me. If you, however, see it as a school, consider the possibility of a Waldorf school at least? There are no lessons to learn but experience, enjoy, grow and expand. The perceived challenges in life initiate us deeper into the Divine Mystery by our surrender to our Higher Selves. Thus we expand and grow upon ourselves.
Would you be willing to look at your challenges in your life and to all the initiators, also called button pushers who challenge us most in our lives and see the gift in that? We all live in a temple – called life – and receive our initiations by those initiators – also called “persona non grata” – after all, so why not see it all in a different light instead of struggling with it, fighting against it or running away from it all? 
Initiators are lightning handlers, Divine coherency testers, whose sole purpose is to shatter your inauthentic perceptions like a crystal glass, shatter what defines your prison walls….shatter your romance with personal power, you who may think power has what your gnawing Emptiness is actually craving, what your addictions are actually trying to fill? …Love wields the sword of truth and in vibrational eloquence cuts away your narcissistic self-absorption, offering you entrance into the diamond body greenhouse acceleration chamber whose specialty is blooming lotuses, you namely. (from The 13 Moon Oracle)
In this phase of the Moon you are invited to call the power and clarity of the sword into your being, into your consciousness to cut through all illusions, all distortions of false power, false self images, fears, doubt…you name it. You are invited to call forth the frequency of the color purple to evoke your inner Truth, the power of Truth that frees us​ from all suffering and sets us​ free. I love the color purple, actually one of the main walls in my house is purple. I often wear purple to remind myself of my commitment to Know and embody my highest Truth.I want to Know the Truth, always, so I will challenge anything that is less than radiance, brilliance and Joy. I will challenge and question everything that makes me react and that makes me contract. I Know that when I face a challenge or if I hate the guts of somebody I am in for an initiation, an initiation into a deeper Truth. I Know that the fastest way to face it is to surrender my point of view, my beliefs, my ego’s need to be right – also called control – my ideas, what I think I know. All suffering is self-inflicted, ego-mind inflicted, isn’t it? When I am willing to release my romance with drama and emotional intensity I know I will be released into Freedom, I will be initiated into something bigger than I was before. For me this is truly the biggest act of kindness towards myself. When we are ready and willing to let go of our fascination with suffering and drama, with being in control we are ready for the Initiator, for the initiation. Otherwise as She promised, She will hound our footsteps to the end, right? Her Love for us is THAT deep! So I invite you to the “acceleration chamber” this phase of the Moon. Will you accept? 
Shrill cry of hawk screams
Waken Initiate!
Waken within the dream,
In the initiation of life, as it is, that is,
ill to truth is fierce
when you have wakened for a moment within the dream
and recognized yourself sitting there self absorbed
as Narcissus,
in that moment of piercing clarity
you recognize that
truth can only be recognized,
observed as it is happening, in other words
seen for what it is without the 
encumbering distortions and residue
inherent in the passage of becoming light…
from (The Alchemy of Ecstasy)
Here’s to Truth that sets us all FREE,
Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück
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