Category Archives: 11th Day after Dark Moon

Open Invitation from the Muse



I Play. I Inspire.

Imagine conjuring a smiling blue genie with a shiny gold lamp that could offer you your heart’s desire, if you would enter the vulnerability that opens up Universes through permeability to the Divine impulse in the present moment, sacred revelation that sanctifies your life with the leavening freedom of… LAUGHTER!  (from The 13 Moon Oracle, by Ariel Spilsbury)  


Here’s an open invitation for you…an invitation to lighten up! To not take anything so seriously, especially yourself! To loosen all the ties that chain you firmly to your oh so cherished beliefs, concepts, thoughts, ideas… To release yourself… from the firm grip of your want-to-know mind into the lightness of a laughter that in the quantum field bursts all the bonds that keep you captive in the greyness of a black/white world…into a world of rainbows, unicorns, fairy dust, magic, miracles and giggles… where anything is possible…into a world of Light-ness that YOU essentially ARE!

When: Anytime

Where: Anywhere

Don’t forget to RSVP and please bring some baklava as a sacred offering to the Muse and your magic wand as well…..Oh, please bring your lightest self and your wings to fly! We don’t want to bore the Goddess, do we?  

Sat Chit Ananda,

Copyright © 2017, Areolia Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you!

11th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Muse

11th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Muse

I play. ~ I inspire.


  It is time for the Muse: for butterflies, hummingbirds, for dolphins and faeries and flowers and loads and loads of JOY!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee….My absolute favorite! (I know I say this every time…but believe me, I mean it only 1000% each time, from the top of my Heart, as my friend Glenn of Trees says!) Where was I? Oh, YES! It is MUSE time, play time!  


Image Credits: The 13 Moon Oracle


  It is time to look at where we are stuck in a daily routine and in the grey zone of predictability of everyday life! Where we are stuck in repetitive patterns and the same series of events: wake up, shower, get coffee, get dressed, have breakfast, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed…to start  the next day all over again! Have you watched the movie “Groundhog Day”? Are you starring in your own version of that movie? If so, listen up! It is time to stir up some Joy and play and spontaneity! 

This time of the moon we simply PLAY! Our colors are aquamarine and turquoise, our scents are spice, vanilla and bergamot, our flowers are daisies…our crystal is blue topaz, aquamarine or turquoise! Our animal totem is butterfly, dragonfly or hummingbird obviously.   So, are you ready to leave the world of routine, of repetitiveness and seriousness? Are you ready to jump into the world of YOUR magical child that is MORE YOU than anything you might think you are? If so, follow me….



Fana, Rapture

come to me

I evoke you,

Muse of Whimsy

be one with me

sprinkling the blessings of the holy water

on my head that I may feel

your irresistible beckoning

that leads me ever deeper into the real reckoning of the nature of Love.


Laughter leading to unmitigated mirth

creation’s birth

at our hands

laughter’s presence is justified,

wherever it crashes the party,


In laughter we are freed to feel

The truth that lives beyond illusion

after all this is a very funny movie…..

(from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)

When was the last time you have a real good laugh, a belly laugh??? Seriously, when was the last time you laughed…at YOURSELF? Have you taken yourself and others, this comedy going on around you and about you too seriously? When was the last time you did something completely crazy, irrational, spontaneous, out of the order, extraordinary, out of the blue? If you cannot remember, you might need some faerie dust, my friend! Keep reading! We’re going to get you dance….naked…in the moonlight…or at least in the privacy of your home…like nobody is watching…   


“The Muse aspect of the Goddess presides over dance, art, poetry, song, music, acting. When we sing, dance, draw, act, tell stories, we are accessing that essence that lies beyond all masks. In sharing the spark of the creative life-force , we are becoming transparent to the Mystery that animates the mask and gives meaning to its essence. The playfulness and spontaneity, delight and laughter of the Muse inspires spontaneous insight and revelation of the Mystery. Her wisdom is born of innocence. She assists us in living in the present, following the  moment by moment delight, inspiration and guidance of the Divine.” (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy


Have you possibly exchanged your true nature that is spontaneous, vulnerable, open, expressive, playful for a serious, well-planned, rational, controlled life, keeping things together, functioning reliably for everybody around you? Are you work- and result-oriented and constantly running around taking care of anything and everything in your world? You see, the problem with that is that you gave up your fluidity, creativity, spontaneity, sensitivity and sign up for rigidity, predictability and confinement. By no means do I suggest you deny your everyday life, quit your work, leave your children and turn into a street clown…I am just inviting you to change your positioning to all of that so none of that owns you or runs you or your life…  



Image Credits: (free wallpapers)

  What about doing things differently each time? What about trying something NEW, really NEW every day? What about breaking the rigid, repetitive cycles of routine and step into fluidity in or relationship to our bodies, to our partner, to our outside world? What about making time and space for play? What about making everything we do a fun play? What are the infinite possibilities of play and playfulness? Playing is not a luxury or an unnecessary pursuit for adults! Playfulness is a divine quality of who we truly ARE! 


Do you think only artists need inspiration and muse? Wrong, again! We are all artists in what we do! Even if you do nothing else but keep your shoes from levitating…you are a creative Being! The question is though WHAT are you creating? Creative force is life force and it is in each and every one of us! It is what we ARE! If you haven’t considered that and have seen yourself in a different light than that, look again: What was it that gave you the deepest Joy when you were a child? What made your toes curl and your Heart sing the most Beautiful songs? Follow that track! Do it! I don’t care how old you are and what it is! Just do it! Follow your Joy, follow the track of Enjoyment! With all my Heart, let me say this to you: The ONLY reason you are here is to ENJOY being in a physical body on this Beautiful planet! Do what you en-Joy! If you don’t enjoy what you do, find ways to enjoy it or move on to something that gives you Real Joy! This dream called life is too short, so why not make it really, truly, utterly memorable and unique, wouldn’t you agree? Doesn’t that sound like more fun than living an “off the rack” kind of life that everybody else lives too?  


[Picture: ]

Image Credits: Fromoldbooks

   The Muse archetype is associated with the faerie realm and angels! If you have thought faeries are for little children and angels only exist in the bible or in paintings, look again! Really, don’t you remember those playful, cheery, joyful beings dancing around you when you were little? Can’t you remember the Cherubim angels who were your best friends once? If you dare to open your heart, your eyes for those beings next time when you are in an enchanted forest, look for them, call them. If you are sincere they will respond. I have an elf friend, her name is Tutu!  She often whispers the funniest things into my ear, and most of the time, I swear, I don’t understand a word of what she says…but I cannot stop giggling…even if I am in a company and seemingly laughing in people’s face without any apparent reason! Tutu always knows how to cheer me up or get me out of my mind if things start getting too serious. 


Having said all of that…I am leaving you in delight…I hope you make time to go out and play with the smiling faces of daisies today….and with butterflies…and re-member your True magical, playful nature…As my Beautiful friend Ariel says, I hope “you are not boring God” today! 🙂      


with giggles in delight,    


Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück

This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share please keep the entire, unaltered text with the copyright reference and source.