Category Archives: 9th Day after Dark Moon

9th Day After The Dark Moon ~ Lady of Communion

9th Day After The Dark Moon ~ Lady of Communion 

I intend. ~ I empower.

It is time for the Lady of Communion, for emerald green, for emeralds, for the scents mint and juniper, for sunflowers, Unicorns and violets! My favorite!!! This aspect of the Divine Feminine is among so many other things about solar androgyny, represented in the equal balance between male and female aspects within. “She is free, independent, and perseverant. She acknowledges and empowers through demonstration and action. Her energy is accessed through empathy and communion with all life, as a sacred reflection”. (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy, Ariel Spilsbury)

Some of Her symbols are archer’s target, bow, arrow, shield. Her sacred tool is the Light Shield/Mandala. Her element is Earth, her mantra is the Hindu chant Narayana, which means ‘resting place for all living beings’, Communion with all Life! Some key words are sovereignty and power.

How are you holding power in your consciousness?

What is power?

What is the source of your power?

Who or what do you consider to be powerful? Why?


Image Source:


One of the most known Goddess archetypes for this moon phase is the ancient Greek Artemis, Her Roman equivalent is Diana. Homer refers to Her as “Artemis of the wildland, Mistress of Animals”. She was the Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, woodland, of the Moon, of virginity and protector of young girls. Often she was depicted as a huntress with a bow and arrows. Deer and oak trees were sacred to Her.

 File:Artemis (Diana) från Versailles, Nordisk familjebok.png


Image source: Artemis (Diana) från Versailles, Nordisk familjebok


Artemis refused to conform to conventional ways or to traditions. She was fiercely independent, self-sufficient, living life on her own terms. She offers us illumination for those places in our consciousness that terrify us and offers us our own strength to move through the illusion of our fears. She invites us to look at our fears and see the truth about them: Most of the time fear is seen as the opposite of Love. In my perception fear is Love too! In the core of fear there IS Love, there IS consciousness otherwise fear couldn’t exist. Nothing that is not Love exists….Nothing that exists is without Love! Fear is Love covered with a lot of misperception and misinterpretation and blankets of distortions. Have you ever examined fear? Fear only exists in time! It is a thought and emotion in time. If you removed the concept of time, there is no fear possible in the Now. Yet you are NOT time! You are NOT fear! 

The invitation is to look for the Love at the core of every fear, thus transforming it moving through and beyond it. This archetype of the Divine Feminine will greatly assist you with just that: becoming fearless! Fearlessness is our natural state of Being. When we allow the Divine to move us to a place where fear has no relevance for us, that fear doesn’t hold us back anymore and most importantly where we are not afraid of the fear itself anymore we see through it and our consciousness becomes free. What is there to be afraid of if we are infinite consciousness, if we are absolutely unharmable, undestroyable and untouchable in Truth? Is it time yet to look through our fears that keep us in chains, that keep us from being all that we can BE? Is it time to remember our true sovereignty and our true power that comes from KNOWING OURSELVES?

Fearless Artemis, Diana is calling to you today! She is inviting you to look at where you have compromised your sovereignty, your authentic presence, where you have given yourself over to fear! Where in your consciousness and in what area of your life have you bought into powerlessness? Where are you contracting and protecting yourself… from your Self? In the Communion of ALL Life…She is calling you to examine where you might have compromised your inner male and/or your inner female and gotten out of balance. How is your male side doing? And your feminine side? How does balance in male and female polarities feel like in your body? In your psyche?

Artemis speaks:

of the clan of deer

running with the herd

I am Artemis of the clan of deer

Artemis, of the sacred word

honor code of the forest androgyne

sweet strength, supple stamina, soft sovereignty

warrior of gentle, from the land of green

running with the herd

entering into the current of maytides

To protect the maiden face of the Goddess

…. (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)

If you haven’t heard of her yet, of Malala, the 16 year old girl who is a true warrior of gentle….check this out:

Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück

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