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All Phases of the Moon ~ The Alchemical Goddess of Ecstasy

All Phases of the Moon ~ The Alchemical Goddess of Ecstasy

I am freedom. I am union. I am grace.

She changes everything She touches and everything She touches changes….


Image Credits: 13 Moon Oracle

She is the Navajo Changing Woman…She is the rainbow, dolphin, silver, gold, rainbow color, She is all five elements…She is the peacock feather, star blankets, lotus and orchids…She is the diamond, opal…”She who is a Shapeshifter, Changing Woman“, the integrated, balanced and whole image of the Goddess. She is the prima materia, the primal substance from which the final gold of higher consciousness, is transmuted in alchemy… This aspect of the Goddess is completely whole, integrated, androgenous, amorphous, ubiquitous, omnipresent, omniscient, unnameable and ineffable. She acknowledges and empowers through direct perception and experience only, in the mysterium of being. Her skills are of fluidity, acceptance of what is and staying perfectly poised in present moment. … The initiation into the Mystery in this aspect is done through ecstasy. In this aspect the Divine Feminine wants you to comprehend that you can choose to evolve through ecstasy. … Ecstasy is a constant frequency in your being in the Goddess. Whether you tune into it or not is your choice and a conscious choice to do so, represents the embodiment of this aspect of the Goddess.” (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)
How can one describe Ecstasy? Or write about i? It is intrinsically unnameable, ineffable, it is simply there. It can not be grasped, understood, captured, given or taken…It simply IS there…BEING is ecstatic when there are no distortions…
How do we choose to tune into ecstasy? The answer in my experience is by simple presence in the Now moment, being in fluidity and flowing with the Now moment as it presents itself. Everything is in constant change, in fluid movement, one thing turning into another and another and another. Nothing is static in creation. If we are identified with a static self, being something or doing something that is well defined we are not being in fluidity, we are not open to the Divine moving through us in ever changing shape shifting ways and forms the Divine takes. It is being one moment one thing and the next another, free of any identification or holding on to it. If we feel stagnated we are not in the present moment since the present moment is in constant change. If we feel stagnation, if we are struggling we might be holding on to one moment’s experience and not letting it go, resisting fluidity and change. Expectation is another thing that freezes us in one moment’s experience in which we demand a certain experience to follow. You see, fluidity is easy, it is simple, it is natural while stagnation and struggle are not.
Now what does it mean to be present in the present moment? Again, it is a simple choice, a shift in perception: by being available, open, accessible with everything and everybody life presents in the Now moment, engaging with it all, giving our whole Heart to it all without holding back anything. By moving with it all in fluidity without agenda, fixation, expectation or contemplation. Life is happening all around us, each and every Now moment is full and overflowing with gifts, beings, situations for us to engage with, to be present with, to give our whole Heart to….Life becomes so easy, so full and fulfilling this way. In each Now moment if we listen, see, perceive, interact, receive and give our whole Being to the infinite things that are happening…There are worlds within worlds in each moment if we open our eyes and see, if we open our ears and hear, Life is constantly calling us…
in the Ecstasy of Being,
Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück
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