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20th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Wise Woman

20th Day After Dark Moon ~ The Wise Woman

I simplify. I resonate.

After the initiations of the last moon phase the Wise Woman is waiting for us, with all Her gifts: a Knowing smile on Her face, Her infinite Wisdom, Simplicity, Allowance and Her unmistakable, cheeky humor! She “Who Sees, Heals and Shows the Way”, The Wise Woman, Sophia, Athena, White Buffalo Calf Woman, La que Sabe…Her colors are white and black, Her crystal is smoky quartz and also snowflake obsidian, Her herbs are basil and chamomile, Her animal totem is crow, but also magpie, coyote, elephant and the Cheshire cat too!



Image Source: 13 Moon Oracle

“This archetype of the Goddess is often seen as an elder or crone, the Wise Woman-Healer of the tribe. Her accumulated wisdom and respect in the tribe is held in the symbol of her healing staff. … This face of the Goddess is about letting go more of the physical form and allowing the spirit to illuminate with even more clarity. The Wise Woman-Healer archetype shines through the power of her inner self-assurance and self-understanding as a “Knower”. As a woman who “knows”, she has brought together the instinctual, rational and intuitive. … she can shape shift into a divine child, a beautiful young woman, or an animal. Her ability to consciously shape shift is one of her greatest gifts. In seeing through the illusion of identification with roles, she can wear any mask without attachment. She often uses humor to break down limiting perceptions of the small ego self. Her wry smile belies the fact that she has moved beyond reactivity to the gambits within the human drama, into a place of acceptance and allowance of all ways of doing and being.” (from The Alchemy of Ecstasy)

Seeing through the illusion of identification with roles and being able to wear any mask without attachment! Imagine THAT Freedom! That Joy! Fluidity! Being able to slip into ANY role and play it with gusto and not be identified with it! What a gift! Wouldn’t you like to be able to do just that? If so…follow me…follow me into the realm of the Crown Wisdom…

What is wisdom?

Wisdom cannot be taught, sought, bought or thought

wisdom is not

what you think

at any given moment

it pours into the empty container

that attracted it with its openness,

its willingness to know

the clarity of it ravenousness for real

Wisdom gets the cosmic joke

that as soon as we stepped out of the checkerboard of duality

long enough to see it for what it actually is

that is, an evolutionary, holographic playground of

apparent realities that are eventually 

all leading to


and then seeing that,

somehow seems to make getting there easier.

from (The Alchemy of Ecstasy)


Image Source: free domain

“Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.” (H.D. Thoreau)

The Wise Woman offers us simplicity when our minds over-complicate and clutter our lives and our consciousness. Wisdom is simple, Truth is simple, Love is simple… if it is not simple it is not real but only a construct of the mind…at least in my world. Haven’t you noticed the tendency and the brilliancy of your mind to complicate things so it has something to do? What in your life is calling for simplification? Simplicity….sounds so light, so easy, so expansive and something you would like to have too? As always it is simple, just choose it! Use your mind that is so brilliant at making things complicated to reverse its functioning and to simplify things more and then even more! Isn’t that simple? Call forth the Wise Woman, ask yourself one question: “What does really matter?” If it doesn’t matter to YOU, to your essential Self, why hold on to it? Where have you made the detail more important than your Self, than Love, than Joy and Laughter? Why drown in detail if you could use that time to LIVE, to simply BE? Isn’t it a huge waste of all the precious time you spend to take care of a million details? Simplify! Simplify! Simplify!

You see, here’s the thing…if you become too complex and immersed in detail you are probably focused mainly in mental realms where the mind is so invested in being right, knowing it all (as opposed to Knowing in your Heart) and possibly very critical as well. So the ways of the mind, of the mental levels is always a slippery slope…Here’s a question: What do you base your knowing on? The mind’s way of knowing, at a mental level is based on information gathered, data collection, so to speak. The mind knows only what it has been fed with, what it experienced itself or mostly bought as a second hand experience from somebody else, from the mass collective. So, what if I told you that you don’t know anything but only access a giant data base of information that is, let us put it this way, pretty much useless if you are treading on the path of Love…on the path of the Divine….on the path of the Divine Mystery…In fact it can get quite a load all of that mind knowing. As the Wise Woman says, Wisdom – simple, natural, innate Heart Knowing – cannot be sought, bought or thought! If you thought of it…it is a thought, it is not Wisdom!

Don’t get me wrong, I am not putting your mind out of business. I am just suggesting that it might need a new position and a new job description, if you will. I love my mind, it is smart, quick and open, it makes my life so easy in the linear world! Yet I regularly spend time in the child’s pose doing Yoga, to remind my mind that my Heart is always, always in charge. The child’s pose is the only position the body can get in, where the Heart is higher than the head.

What if the job of the mind is not and has never been to know or to make decisions for you or to run your life? What if the mind’s job is and has always been to collect data and information as needed to fulfill the Heart’s Wisdom in the physical world? What if the mind was created to serve the Heart? What if the mind was a tool for us to function in the physical reality and nothing more and nothing less? A beautiful, useful tool, a friend…but not the Source of Wisdom for us…What if all Wisdom, all what we Know is embedded in our Heart and is simply, naturally there and cannot be and need not be learned… sought…thought…or bought????

May your Heart Wisdom guide you always Home,


Copyright © 2014, Viola Glück
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