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Weaving Life Into Creation


“Let me respectfully remind you, 

Life and death are of supreme importance.

Time passes swiftly and opportunity is lost.

Let us awaken, awaken!

Take heed. Do not squander your life.”

The Evening Gatha


Life is not about struggling to stay alive…

to avoid Death…

or to live as long as possible…

nor to play for time

to avoid the Unavoidable. 

Life is about LIVING… and LOVING…

Time is a perceived illusion…yet in this dream… 

it is a unique gift given to each of us

To use with impeccability…


Time is finite.  Unique. Beyond precious.

Being aware of why we do what we do at all times… 

Not squandering any precious moment. 

The sweet paradox of creation, Time, that is!

You see, time is not real and yet so real,

of supreme importance.

Not one moment is the same as another one. 

Not one moment, when passed, ever comes back.

The gift of Time…

It is the thread, the stiches 

with which we weave ourselves 

into the tapestry of the great mandala of the Creation itself.


Let us Awaken, Awaken in the Dream!

To Dream Consciously

Letting the Dream unfold in Divine’s Ways…

And delight in it in awe… 

Let us be so permeable,

so connected to the web of Life as Is. 

To weave our Selves… 

To be woven…

By the hand of the Divine. 

Death will come anyway… the end of this dream. 

Only to start a new one… in the enternal, infinite cycle of life… 

Death as a marker for change… into a different dream. 

All life regardless how long, is a life fully lived…

One moment, one week, one month, one century….

All equally FULL and FULFILLED…

If you make it so.

This is an enormous power and an enormous freedom

we have in our hands here

to allow the dream to be shaped to what it is meant to be… 

to move in the direction, in the path it is destined to.

Letting Life Live itself… 

In you… 

Through you… 

Around you.

That is the empowerment we seek. 

That is the fulfillment we chase. 

That is the connection we yearn for.


To be impeccable with Life,

with Time.

To take Life, Death and Time seriously 

knowing and receiving the Gift of all 

while being a Gift to Life itself. 

Blessed be all lives lived,

all lives yet to be lived,

and all lives that are weaving themselves into the Web of Existence.

Blessed be!

Copyright © 2017, Areolia Glück
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