Blog Archives

Will You Stand Still With The Sun?




Can you hear the silence?

Can you taste it, smell it?

It is the Solstice night…the longest night…the dark peaks…

when the Light is re-born.

Can you stand still, really stand still in the middle of the night?

Can you fully relax into the darkness?

Do you dare to melt into it?

And lose your fear, your doubt and your worry to the night?


Can you hear the tones, the overtones of the silence

that dances in your cells?

Can you become the silence?

Can you feel the depth and the space of the dark night?

Can you be quiet, really quiet?

Can you see the light that is always in darkness?

Do you see the Oneness of all

that liberates you from the bondage of polarity

and catapults you into the reality of Heaven

in a split second?


Can you hear the Queen of the Night calling your name?

Feel the pull into Her loving arms

that asks for nothing but for what is not you

and offers you YOU in return?

Will you die and be reborn?

Are you going to hold vigil tonight,

in the longest night?

Will you listen to the silence

and stand still with the Sun?

Copyright © 2016, Areolia Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you!