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Be The Mystery



Be the Mystery

Not the one who tries to solve it

to understand it

You don’t need to like it

You don’t need to enjoy it

You don’t need to grasp it,

judge it,

analyze it,

put it to test…

Regardless how you feel about it

What if you simply let it be

what it IS.

No questions asked.

Instead of solving the mystery,

What if you ARE the mystery.



Life and death, both are mystery…

the Creation is a mystery…

No why…no how…

No questioning

No what’s the point?

will solve the mystery…

The Mystery is Divine…

The Divinity is a Mystery…



When you have a mystical experience…

You just know it is REAL…

You don’t believe it…

You don’t understand it…

You have no questions…

When it is happening the mystical experience is NO mystery…

When the experience is over…

it is a mystery…

When the mystery reveals itself in one moment of time

It is crystal clear….question-less…

When the moment is over

It becomes again a mystery…

Why not leave the mystery be the mystery…

Respect it…

Accept it…

Allow it…

Let it reveal itself in most miraculous ways…

The Grace then that awakens within you

that reminds you of YOUR OWN mysterious nature,






Let life be the mystery!

Leave it all in the mystery!

Experience things as though they are happening for the very first time!


Come Home to the mystery!

Experience THAT!

All you have to do is…

to be exactly who you are…

and letting it all be what it is…

a mystery

that is constantly revealing itself

if you allow it…

The willingness to see  and feel life as it is, in its imperfection…

The willingness to be exactly as you are…

True surrender.



Don’t attempt to solve the mystery that YOU ARE!

Don’t rob yourself of the magic, of the esprit of the existence!

Let it be what it is…

The miracle that it is…



Copyright © 2017, Areolia Glück
This is copyrighted material. If you wish to share this information online in ANY form please make sure to share it INTACT and in its ENTIRETY with full credits given to the author(s), including a link to this website. To re-publish this material in any online or print media please request permission first. Thank you!